HoCoBlogs Party at Secolari Artisan Oils and Vinegars

Dear Lovely People of Howard County,

Join HoCoBlogs at a fun, tastebud-expanding and delightful party at Secolari Artisan Oils and Vinegars at The Mall in Columbia. Yes, oil and vinegar. Salt, too. Honey and other goodies as well. I love this store and am a regular customer, often stopping in to taste their seasonal oils and vinegars, never failing to walk out without a new bottle of something or other to try.

Our party is Wednesday, July 23rd, and, as always, bloggers and blog readers are invited to attend. The store will be closed for our private party, and the food will be provided by Secolari’s neighbor, Zoe’s Kitchen, right across the way. We’ll have tastings and opportunities to learn; plenty of mingling space and energy; and lots of love and goodness in the air.

Secolari’s is owned by a Clarksville couple and they represent a phenomenon not seen much in The Mall in Columbia in the last couple decades of national-brand dominance in retail: they are a true mom-and-pop shop … and an upscale one at that! Show them some local love. Come by to the party. Bring a social-media savvy friend. Tweet your tastings at the event. Like them on Facebook and write a short review. But most importantly, be there with your love for your community, your belief in our ability to redefine and update the vibe in Columbia and HoCo, and your willingness to try some new tastes and have new experiences.

We won’t be serving alcohol at the event, but Maggiano’s Little Italy a few stores away is open.

Tweet about the party using #HoCoBlogs, #HoCoEvents, #HoCoFood and/or #HoCoParties. 🙂

See you soon!


RSVP here.

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